About Us

Experts in Food Production Cleaning

With over 10 years of experience in the food production cleaning industry, KARL Support Services understands the essential requirements for your company to operate at its optimal level. Our extensive background working in various food manufacturing and industrial kitchen environments has provided us with the necessary expertise and tools to address any cleaning challenge efficiently.

At KARL Support Services, we are dedicated to delivering top-tier quality services, believing that the quality of our work directly enhances the quality of life for all individuals in your workplace.

Capabilities & Resources

  • KARL Support Services believes that a good relationship begins with good communication. Ensuring both parties are in agreement from the beginning is key to ensuring smooth operational efficiency. In all our endeavours we aim to minimise our company’s impact on our client’s performance, both in terms of staff disruptions and administration requirements. KARL Support Services is dedicated to the practice of fast and efficient conflict resolution when dealing with all issues of internal and inter-company importance and will always strive to reach an agreement that benefits all parties and promotes a healthy working relationship moving forward.

  • KARL Support Services has 15 employees on regular food production cleaning duties, operating on a weekly rotating roster. Some additional employees are on call 6 days a week.

    Directors Luis Caldarola, Akiko Sakaki, Kenny Torres, and Rosa Martinez are on-site for all current jobs and also collaborate on administration detail and employ an administration assistant part-time to facilitate this. The administration assistant has qualifications in project and Business Management as well as a background in database maintenance and coordination. Communication is conducted via phone and also face-to-face conversations due to the Managing Directors' presence on job sites.

    Staff members competent in first-aid, fire safety and hazardous materials handling are on location at all jobs.

  • From transition plans through to everyday operations, Karl Support Services holds to highest standards of quality. It is our belief that quality in the workplace goes beyond merely the end results; we ensure our efforts promote a better work environment for our clients and our materials and products are sourced locally to help drive quality and competition in our local community.

    Our quality management program includes the following elements:

    ·      Establishment of high quality site-specific KPI’s

    ·      Monthly QA inspection reports

    ·      Weekly team safety meeting

    ·      A thorough and efficient complaints system

    ·      Random inspections

    ·      Ongoing support and training for all employees

    Karl Support Services ensures that each staff member is up to date with current safety procedures as per our onsite HR training and development program. Incident reporting is immediate, and logs are kept and updated daily for review purposes. Ongoing incidents are reviewed on a weekly basis by the Managing Director. Storing and handling of all hazardous materials is done under the supervision of the Managing Director and all materials are stored with MSDS and correct labelling as required by the introduction of new GHS labelling system in January 2012. All materials are maintained on secured private property only accessible by the Managing Director.

    We are always happy to adjust our quality assurance programs to suit the needs of our clients and welcome additional input in the QA planning process.

Environmental Policy

All equipment used by KARL Support Services satisfies Australian standards for use in commercial enterprise food production cleaning. Operating times are also compliant with noise pollution regulations for built-up non-commercial areas. Storing and handling of all hazardous materials is done under the supervision of the Managing Director and all materials are stored with MSDS and correct labelling as required by the introduction of new GHS labelling system in January 2012. KARL Support Services provide correct sanitary waste disposal receptacles, in compliance with Australian waste management disposal requirements, for dealing with hazardous or dangerous waste materials as necessary.

KARL Support Services ensures high standards of green cleaning methods through careful sourcing of our cleaning products. We ensure our chemicals come from ISO9001 accredited companies such as Septone and Total Care, and source delivery through local suppliers such as Allens Industrial Products and Bowen Industrial Hire. Each contract is assessed individually on its potential for chemical use requirements and waste reduction, allowing KARL Support Services to maintain minimal environmental impact on all sites.

Welcome to KARL Support Services